Caitlyn Albano, PsyD

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Hi YA’LL, you can call me Cait. No, I’m not from the South, but yes, I just spent a year in Texas for my doctoral internship and say “ya’ll” now. I am so grateful to be back at Del Soul Counseling, where I received the majority of my experiential training throughout graduate school. I have a love and a passion for therapy and have dreamed of being a therapist in private practice since I was in high school.

I absolutely love working with individuals and guiding them through healing, personal growth, and building confidence from within. I’ve also found that my interests have gravitated towards couples work. I thoroughly enjoy helping couples work through life’s challenges, truly hear one another through the struggles, and enhance the appreciation each had with their partner like they did in the beginning of their relationship.

As your therapist, I am not here to tell you what to do, but rather to collaborate alongside you to help guide you through what you need and long for. I very much look forward to meeting you, learning about what has made you YOU, and hopefully creating a meaningful relationship with you that you can carry along with you through your lifetime.

Be somebody that makes everybody feel like somebody